Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Employment Opportunities
Outpatient Therapist
(All offices)
Job Description:
~ Responsible for providing individual, family, and/or group psychotherapy services
~ Flexibility to work with adults and/or youth within general mental health and/or specialty areas such as substance use, batterer intervention, and/or sex offender treatment programs
~ Clinical supervision for licensure provided
~ Must be a team player
~ Flexible work schedule
~ Paid at competitive billable hour
~ Autonomous (LPCC, LCSW) or Associate-level (LPCA, CSW) licensure with Kentucky Board
~ Substance use, crisis intervention, and trauma experience preferred but not required
Please submit cover letter and resume to stephmontgomery@lcsinc.org or mail to:
Lighthouse Counseling Services, Inc.
Attn: Stephanie Montgomery, LPCC, Chief Clincial Director
203 N Elm St.
Henderson, KY 42420