Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Barbie Matthews

I support children, youth, and adults to challenge hurdles in their life while improving peer interactions and social relationships. Using clinical interventions, I offer individual and relationship counseling addressing complex issues including depression, anxiety, anger and other mental health concerns. I am a Licensed Clinical Therapist in the State of Ky. with a Bachelors of Social Work from Brescia University and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Louisville. I have been authorized to provide Supervision to Certified Social Workers. Providing mental health counseling in Daviess, Hancock, Ohio and Breckinridge County both in rural communities and in an office setting gives me a unique insight into social, community and peer interests. Achieving change is often difficult, for individuals or in relationships. Through empowerment, listening and providing support, success in reaching achieved goals can occur.